Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Lessons start today
So bad that Maths is teaching in BM from this year
lecturer is teaching in BI + BM
reference materials and power point are in BI
how am i going to study?

Degree course means that we need to have portfolio for every subject
even though we have less lessons
ISL, tutorial, reflective log....
all those things are enough to make us going crazy

Life as a PKU starts officially today
Lend OHP and LCD
Meets lecturers
Adjust timetable
Take attendance
Life is busier but i am enjoyed myself as it is also a process of learning
felt a little bit stress especially when i cant borrow LCD as the lecturer needs it
The thing is our campus only has 3 LCD available and it is fully booked most of the time
Special thanks to WX and his tutor to lend us the LCD 
Problem solved but we ended up in wet

The great consolation is the warmth calling from mum. I miss your voice and the joy that you share with me.  Chatting for 21.47minutes makes my ear painful but i am enjoyed. XD